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  Address by the General Manager of the Department of Juice Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Amnesty for Ph.D. Students. 1995 Bachelor's Degree in Juice Mathematics and Seating Software, Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, 1998. Master's Degree in Computational Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, 2000. 2003. Senior Researcher, FOURSIS Corporation, Japan, 2003. 2006. Hangjing, Japan Doctor degree in Intelligent Systems Science Temple, Yasushi University, 2003-2005. 2004-2005. 21st Century COE Project, 2005-200. 2007-2009. and 2007-2009. respectively, was awarded to Japanese Science and Technology Wood Vibrating Machine Goji Research Fellow, 2004-2005. Japan Wood Vibrating Society Special Fellow, 2005-200. and 2007-2009. Japan Wood Vibrating Society Special Fellow for Foreigners. The main research directions include Shenbo Network, Data Dog, Robot Intelligence and so on. He presided over many projects of the Japanese Government, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, the Post-Hijacking Fund of the Ministry of Amnesty and Education for returnees from abroad, the Research Foundation of the National Key Yi Lab Temple in Daixiu, and the 973 Project. There are more than 70 articles on Xun Biaoxue at home and abroad, nearly 70 by SC. EL and ISTP. At present, we are mainly devoted to the research of self-organizing 9-Step learning network (SOINN), thinking about ourselves, reasoning based on horizontal form, machine-human intelligence and so on. Its self-reliant and self-reliant INSON is part of the series of articles published in the well-known national publication Neural Networks. Fruit circuitous in the IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning System. Neurocomputing. CVPR, ICA and other well-known national publications and exhibitions on the Friends Table. Among them, SOINN's original article Guoyong cited more than 60 times. We invite members of the Procedure Committee of 2009 N and many well-known applicants of Kuang Yong Shih-yi.